9 July 2017 @master

On July 5th took place the Official inauguration of this pioneer project being Portuguese Government represented by his Excellency the State Secretary for the Environment Carlos Martins. Also present were the several regional authorities, Portuguese Environment Agency as well as representatives of other related authorities. EDP Production, the ceremony promoter was represented to highest level and invited all the companies involved in the plants construction.

It was rather satisfying to see EDP Production’s President – Mr. Rui Teixeira – and Project Director Miguel Patena as well, to enlist with enthusiasm the major part of Floating Photovoltaics advantages in clear recognition that Energytransit’s “message” is fully integrated by our costumer EDP.

The plant’s performance figures so far (production started November 2016) demonstrate the technologies worthiness and explain the enthusiasm. Production is 6% above of the preliminary studies estimates e clearly above what would be expected on a ground based plant on the same location (between 4 to 10 % higher).

It matters to recall that the financial sustainability of this “pilot” was strongly damaged by the high costs resulting from EDP Group’s option for the most defiant location possible. Altitude, the high depth and mainly the 30 m water level variation lead to a specially designed anchoring system. The impact of that system on the budget of a project this size is huge and clearly atypical. On a higher scale – as Miguel Patena mentioned – and in more favourable locations the technology would prove clearly competitive.

Also relevant was the licensing entities posture – APA and DGEG – by making possible a short timed decision on the demanding but necessary process.


220 kWp FPV Alto Rabagão 5th July


Our partner’s Ciel et Terre International’s founder – Bernard Prouvost – allowed the strengthening of the relationship with this crucial costumer and simultaneously highlighting the huge business potential it brings.

One more landmark of our path!