MEESD – Modular Storage Device for Electricity

By opting for Renewable Energies as an area of ​​action we are fully aware of the crucial importance of Electricity Storage for future progress. The studies we have done on this subject have led to the concept MEESD – Modular Storage Device for Electricity.

Once the patenting procedures were established, D2M-Energytransit established a contract with the University of Aveiro for the technological development of the brain of the invention – MCS – Management and Control System.

This initiative was partially financed by the European Union, with the intermediary of IAPMEI. As established in the contract, the built-in laboratory prototype demonstrates that the MEESD performs the following functions:

  • Electricity Storage
  • Supply of electricity to the grid
  • Supply of Electricity to electric vehicles (without interference from the electricity grid).

The project entered a new phase:

  • Design and construction of a functional prototype
  • Operation test

We are open to technological partnerships to solve the technical challenges arising from the new phase. We look for investors or other interested partners to take an active part in this disruptive project.

But we also want to clarify all the questions about the project. The opinions of other technicians are important to us.

So … communicate with us!